De Crecy
Nicolas de Crécy was born in Lyon in a large family (which has notably Etienne, DJ, Geoffroy, designer and Hervé, host). It is part of the first class of the school of comics of Fine Arts in Angouleme, where he graduated in 1987. He then worked for Disney studios of Montreuil, in 1991 before publishing his first book, Foligatto, from a screenplay by Tjoyas immediately hailed by critics.
After the first volume of Bibendum heavenly, and, with Sylvain Chomet, the series of Cam Leon in the journal (Follow On), whose second volume will get the Alph-Art Best Album at the Angoulême Festival 1998. He also worked on the cartoon The Old Lady and the Pigeons (1998). In 2003, a controversy will accompany the release of Chomet's Triplets of Belleville, of animation professionals accusing him of plagiarizing the work of Nicolas de Crécy.
In comics, he explored several tracks, with a great mastery of drawing and complex scenarios and ironic: direct colors (The Heavenly Bibendum), fast black and white (Mr. Fruit), mute narration (Prosopopus), zany tale (Salvatore ), autobiography of a drawing (Diary of a ghost), or an album co-edited by the Louvre and Futuropolis, ice Age, which will get many awards, and whose original drawings were the subject of a temporary exhibition (the small design) in the Louvre in 2009.
In addition, he won in 2008 the residency program at Villa Kujoyama (Kyoto).
Posters, Limited Edition, numbered signed serigraphs are available in this section.