

Druillet was born June 28, 1944 in Toulouse. Shortly after his birth, his parents emigrate in Espagne.Il returned to France in Paris in 1952, after the death of his father. During this time he manages to gain acceptance among his peers, that as the artist, the marginal, covering whole books of dessins.Philippe Druillet considers this period as predominant for its future development.
To 13-14 years, he turned to science fiction and discovers Lovecraft.
After his school leaving certificate, he became a photographer and meets around 16-17 years Boullet Jean. The latter taught him the basics of drawing and painting and has opened the minds of aesthetics and madness.
His first book appeared in 1966 in Losfeld. Entitled The Mystery of the abyss, he staged his recurring hero Lone Sloane on the theme of the science fiction. Pressed by his editor to complete his album, he made the last 30 boards in two months and thereafter called "the home of Sloane Losfield [of] very badly drawn."
With this first album, he joined OPTA where he made blankets and illustrations because it touches virtually nothing the copyright of the mystery of the abyss. It was also at that time he met his wife Nicole.
In 1969 he shows some boards Yragaël Jean Giraud, Goscinny and concurred with him for 8 boards in the magazine Pilote. There continues the saga of Lone Sloane (see Delirius) in a style more flamboyant, innovative with a bold layout and the introduction of synthetic images in decor.
In 1974, following disagreements with the editors of Pilote, he left and founded the newspaper, with Giraud, Heavy Metal and the publisher Humanoids Associates.
This album marks a turning point in the work of Druillet because it is intimately connected to the accompaniment of his wife in the disease, until his death.
Very accomplished graphically, the album is characterized by a coloring that goes one step cutting and a novel highly efficient, service of a story imbued with a strong pessimism. The designer has been permanently affected by the death of his partner and this book, dedicated to him, is a way for him to exorcise the pain.
Of all the universe Druillet, The Night is probably the darkest, most nihilistic.
In 1980, Druillet product Salammbo, a trilogy inspired by the novel by Gustave Flaubert. The weft mixture pure invention and the faithful followed the story of Flaubert.
In 1996 he received the Grand Prix National Graphic Arts.
He also directed the sets of the television series The accursed Kings (2005 version).
Posters, serigraphs signed numbered, are available in this section.