Enki BILAL • "Solitudes" Pigment print - Numbered, signed 75 copies. 450 €
«Enki BILAL • "Solitudes" Pigment print - Numbered, signed 75 copies. 450 €»
Edition : Christian Collin EditionsIllustrateur : Enki BILAL
Description : «Solitudes»
Pigment print - Size 50x70 cm
Numbered and signed by the author.
Limited to 75 copies.
450 €
Purchase in pre-order HERE:
Profits will contribute to the production « Cie Lézards qui Bougent »
For his new show « Dans la solitude des champs de coton » by Bernard-Marie Koltès, director Kristian Frédric called on Enki Bilal to design the sets and costumes, as well as the original poster of the play.
During this exceptional evening, buyers of the edited artworks will have the opportunity to see their print enhanced directly in front of them by the artist.
The profit from this sale will be entirely devoted to the production of the play.
This is also a «première» for the partner of this event, the Collin Gallery.
A play directed by Kristian FREDRIC
Text by Bernard Marie KOLTES
Set and costume design by Enki BILAL
Voice and singing Tchéky KARYO
Performed by Xavier GALLAIS and Ivan MORANE
Special evening « Théâtre de la Ville - Espace Cardin » Tuesday, 14 March 2023 18H
Live on-stage final editing of pigment prints by the artist
Play's Première - 20 H
Information: contact@galeriecollin.com